Health tips By Abi

Cardio or weight training Which should you do first to gain muscle and burn fat

When you join a gym, you may wonder whether it's better to start with cardio or strength training. Which is the best option to get the best physical results? The American College of Sports Medicine recommends combining both types of exercise, highlighting their unique benefits for improving health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. But what is the most effective order? According to an article by Professor Randal Claytor, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Health at the University of Miami, the answer depends on various factors such as age, fitness level, exercise history and goals. Different benefits of cardio and weight training Aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming, boosts cardiorespiratory function and reduces the risks of chronic diseases. On the other hand, strength training, through weight lifting, strengthens muscles and improves endurance. Research suggests that combining both types of exercise in a single session offers notable benefits. Various studies indicate similar improvements in aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and weight loss, regardless of the order of exercises. For performance-focused athletes, the situation varies slightly. Simultaneous training can impact aerobic capacity improvement and muscle gain, especially in highly trained athletes performing high volumes of exercise. Flexibility and customization Claytor suggests that the choice of exercise order should be based on personal preferences and individual goals. Elite athletes may opt for strength training before cardio or split their sessions into different times of the day to avoid interference with their performance. The notion that only cardio is crucial for weight loss may be insufficient. The International Institute of Sport Sciences highlights that strength work also plays a key role by increasing muscle mass and resting metabolism. The Best Sequence for Muscle Gain For muscle development, research supported by the European Journal of Sport Science suggests that performing strength work first and then cardio may be more beneficial, preventing premature muscle fatigue during aerobic exercise. Ultimately, achieving your fitness goals requires a balance of strength work and cardio, tailored to your needs and preferences.